Why Does It- What’s the Word?- Burn?

Howdy peoples. Surprise! I haven’t abandoned my colored pencils in the name of a higher education! Yay! So I decided to draw Ariel, because… I haven’t yet, and I needed to. I mean, really, who’s more obvious than her? And I’ve done Hunchback and Hercules and Tarzan already? Man, it’s like my priorities are all mixed up here;) Anyway, here you go:


Lucky you! I started taking pics before I finished the rough sketch!

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Originally I filled in her mouth, thinking I wasn’t going to color it- but changed my mind. Later on, I erased it and went over it in red. Worked like a charm.


This picture comes in extra well because I took it in my well-lit school library.

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Red for her hair + dark gray for the shadows. Light gray to dull the lighter red.


Skin tone + light gray for skin.


This looks-like-it’d-be-purple-but-is-really-kinda-just-a-gray-that’s-purplish pencil was great for the shadows of her skin.


Christmas green and gray for her tail. I used a bit of bright green VERY lightly on the non-shaded portion to brighten it just slightly.

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Drew the fins in blue, then went over in Christmas green.

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Wow! Was I worried about doing the background! As usual, I didn’t want to, but also as usual, I’m glad I did, and it was far easier than I thought! All I used (minus the painting) was a blue and black pencil! A tad of gray, but not much.

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Official scan:


Alright, so mistakes: Her eyes are too small. Forgot to draw a hook on the candelabra. Also, proportions of objects in the background. These don’t bother me a bit, cause no one knows the background well enough to notice. Also noteworthy is my blatant deletion of Flounder from this screenshot. He was just in the way in the shot, so I used other references to fill in his space (his back was turned and it would look awkward, just trust me). Ariel is the main focal point of this drawing, as it should be. Mission accomplished.

I remember trying to draw Ariel when I was a wee tot over at my grandparent’s house- dunno what happened to that picture, but I was pretty proud of it. I’m sure if I saw it now I’d throw up- I would have never thought I could draw something like this at that age. It’s a dream come true for me to draw these pictures, I hope you know. Because I have loved art and been in AWE of the wonderful drawings in Disney movies since I was so little… Even then I knew I wanted to recreate it. Now that I can, it’s like, just the most indescribable thing. I know it’s not perfect, but it is still exciting. I’ve learned so much from drawing Disney, and I hope that I can inspire someone out there to keep pursuing art, because no matter what people say- even if you can’t yet, you CAN if you keep at it!

Wish I could be part of that world….the wonderful world of art! I’m almost there! (That’s a double-wammy there; Princess and the Frog song reference!)
