The Hunchback of Notre Dame: The Saddest Part

Odds are you probably don’t think of The Hunchback of  Notre Dame when you list your favorite Disney films. I once was like you. But no more! I watched this movie again a few weeks ago, and it was so good! Very emotional. Try not to cry when you see today’s drawing.


Sorry I have no progressional photos of drawing Quasimodo’s face- this was my first attempt at incorporating markers (and a black pen) into my colored pencil world that I’m still just learning to walk in (my first colored pencil drawing was Rapunzel, so now you know how new I am!). I was SO SURE the markers would ruin it and the picture would flop- but no! I worked two days on this, and am glad I didn’t walk away from it!

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Let’s darken up that shirt of his! The most repetitive circumstance encountered in the making of this drawing was the layering of colors to reach the desired hue. CRUCIAL STEPS PEOPLE!!

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Almost all black you see in this drawing is from pen. I did use a black colored pencil to darken hues of other colors, and I also used it over black pen areas to soften the look.

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Now for Esmerelda. Okay, I want to be honest with you guys, so I’ll just say it: she was the hardest part of this picture! I erased the rough sketch of her features SO MANY TIMES, man, I prob worked on the sketch alone for over an hour or two. But seeing that she’s the largest feature on the page, I did NOT want to mess her up- and here’s an important tip to remember in drawing: better to spend more time fixing the sketch, than to not be able to fix obvious errors later.

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For her hair, I drew the highlight lines in gray and then went over them in blue.

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First skin layer: pink.

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Second skin layer: fuchsia.


Third skin layer: overall brown and shadows.


Lower left hand corner, by Frollo’s face, the seat of Phoebus’ horse. Wow. I just realized the humor in that. That was unintentional, people!


Quasi’s feet and the rest of the rope.

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For the opening in the background tent (dark purple) I went over the purple marker with purple pencil to smooth it out. That’s it!

Official scan:


Please forgive the color quality of the scan; the actual colors look nothing like that! It closer matches that of the process photos.

Till next time, SANCTUARY!!!


10 thoughts on “The Hunchback of Notre Dame: The Saddest Part

    1. Hey there Just A Dad,

      Thanks for the positive feedback!

      And regarding doing a drawing for one of your posts, which Disney character(s) did you want me to draw? I’m going to need a little more information before I can decide on whether I can do it or not.



    2. Just A Dad,

      I haven’t watched the Lion King for YEARS, b/c I’ve only just recently gotten into Disney again. I am in the process of re-watching all the Disney films, including the Lion King. I don’t remember the scene to which you are referring, but there is a website I use for reference photos, and if you go on there and pick out a few photos of the scene you want, I could look them over and tell you if I could do it.



      1. Just A Dad,

        That picture is good with me! I do have some conditions though-

        That I feature the drawing in my usual manner on my blog (step-by-step process), but I will say it was done by request by you, and that’s where I’ll link to your blog. Also, that you credit my work when used on your site to me and link back to my website.

        It will take me approx 3-4 days to complete the drawing. Deal?



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